Are Ragdoll Cats Hypoallergenic? Tips for Allergy Sufferers

Ragdolls truly are a beautiful cat to own, but if you are a allergic to cats, than you might think; Are Ragdoll Cats Hypoallergenic?

In today’s article I will explain about “Are Ragdoll Cats Really Hypoallergenic?” I will also give some tips for allergy sufferers to own this cute little furry friend.

Are Ragdoll Cats Hypoallergenic?

Friends, Sadly Ragdoll cats are not Hypoallergenic cats. they can produce some allergies, they are not fully Hypoallergenic. 

There are some reasons for not considering ragdolls to be a Hypoallergenic cat. 

These are some reasons for not considering ragdoll cats to be Hypoallergenic cat breed.

Ragdoll cats lack the Hypoallergenic qualities genetically, that’s why they are not allergy friendly cats. and also Scientifically proven that there is no cat breed that have Hypoallergenic qualities.

Do Ragdoll Cats Have Allergies? 

Yes, Ragdoll cats do have allergies, like any other cat breed, they can experience allergies. 

But the allergies might triggered by the surrounding environment,  food or any other substances that can affect ragdoll cat allergies.

If you notice that a perticular substance from surrounding environment is actually the cause for ragdoll allergies, than you should consult to veterinarian so that you can understand that your Ragdoll cat have allergies or not.

How to Reduce Ragdoll Allergies

If your veterinarian confirm that your Ragdoll cat have allergies, than you should take precautions for reducing ragdoll allergies. proper diagnosis and guidance can manage the condition of your Ragdoll. 

There are some ways for reducing ragdoll allergies: 

  1. Regular Grooming
  2. High quality Food
  3. Air purification
  4. Clean environment
  5. Make cat-free zones
  6. Consult to veterinarian

Is it possible for someone with allergies to own a Ragdoll cat?

Are Ragdoll Cats Hypoallergenic

It depends on person to person, someone might tolerate some cat breeds better than others, but some cat breeds might not suit.

If you are planning on owning ragdoll cat, than firstly spend some time with one. If you feel better than you can own ragdoll cat.

But you should take some measures like – regular grooming, keeping surrounding clean and using air purifiers.

Also you should consult with allergist, and take some precautions so that you can own a ragdoll cat.

Are Ragdoll cats good for allergy sufferers?

Ragdoll cats are not good for allergy sufferers, they can produce allergenic proteins by their dander, saliva or urine. 

But some people might tolerate ragdoll cats, better than other cat breeds. There is no guarantee! 

That’s why keep in mind this, before owning ragdoll cat or any other cat breed. 

My suggestion for every allergy sufferer: you should not own any cat breed, or spend time with one, it will benifit your health.


Ragdoll cats are not Hypoallergenic, they do shed less but despite that they still produce some allergenic proteins. They also have some allergies, if you are a allergy sufferer than you should avoid them. If you still want to own them, you should take some measures.

I hope you have got your answer for “are ragdoll cats hypoallergenic” or not. Please do share this post with your cat lovers, because sharing is caring 🙂