Top 5 Bad things about Ragdolls 2024

We all know that how cute and beautiful Ragdoll cats are, but do you Know the Bad things about Ragdolls.

In this article I am going to explain all the bad things that are associated with ragdoll cats.

Hopefully by reading this article, you will get all information regarding the cons of owning a Ragdoll cat.

So that you can consider which one is the best cat for you.

Bad things about Ragdoll cats

They shed alot

ragdoll shedding

Ragdoll cats are a long haired cat breed, that’s why they tend to shed so much.

Shedding is one of the bad things about ragdoll cats, if you own a ragdoll cat, you can relate what I am saying.

This may become frustrating, because ragdolls bound to play all over house. With this they shed hairs all over the place, cleaning it constantly might make you feel frustrated.

But you can use these ways to reduce ragdoll cat shedding by grooming your Ragdoll regularly, brushing can also be useful, because this way you can remove the loose hairs from your cats coat. It is a good thing for you and your furry friend.

They can suffer health issues

ragdoll health issues

As we know all animals are bound to have health issues, thus ragdoll cats also have few health problems.

Mostly ragdoll are a fit cats, but in a rare case they can pron to some common cat disease. Such as heart disease, urinary tract problems and kidney disease.

If you don’t want to suffer this health issues to your ragdoll, then give your ragdoll a healthy diet and also check their health regularly.

You can even visit to the vet, this might prevent your ragdoll from having numerous health problems.

They can be high maintenance

ragdoll high maintenance

Ragdoll cats are high maintenance, they do need extra care and attention then other cat breeds. 

Ragdoll cats are a indoor cat breed, that’s why they need more care.

Also they are a long haired cats, that’s why Ragdoll cat grooming is must, and higher quality cat food is also required.

They are expensive to buy

pure ragdoll price

Ragdoll cats are really expensive to buy, the price for a pure ragdoll cat is anywhere between $800 – $2500 which might be out of budget for some people.

Additionally they can be high maintenance, required to have high-quality food.

Also you need to visit vet regularly, as well as grooming, brushing are there. that’s why it is expensive to own ragdoll cat.

If you have all this facility and money, than you can own this cat breed.

They can’t be left alone for long

alone ragdoll cat

Ragdoll cats are indoor cats, that’s why they don’t like to be left alone. 

If you provide them food, water and clean litter trays they might don’t mind to left alone for a short time likely up to 48 hours.

But if you planning on going away from home, for extended time. You should not left them alone, atleast leave them in the care of your friend or family member. 

Actually ragdoll cats hate travelling, that’s why you should make sure, that they are in the right care. because they can’t do anything without human interaction.

Is having a Ragdoll cat a good idea?

Yes! why not. Ragdoll can be a great idea to have as a pet. because they are the most friendly and affectionate cat. 

They love to interact with humans, that’s why they are a good choice for those who searching for a great companion and furry friend.


Are Ragdoll cats cruel?

No, ragdoll cats are not cruel.

Is it cruel to keep Ragdoll cats indoors?

No, because ragdolls are indoor cats.

Is Ragdoll a lazy cat?

Yes, ragdoll is a lazy cat.


Friends in this article I’ve listed some bad things about ragdolls, but owning them is not a big nuisance.

Owning a ragdoll comes with so many bad things, but you should look for positive and good things about ragdolls.

If you are not ready for it, then you should not own a ragdoll. Because caring any animal comes with responsibility.

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