Black Ragdoll Cats – Know Everything about Them!

The signature color of ragdoll cats is white, but can they come in black? Let’s explore the Black Ragdoll Cats.

It’s a question that many ragdoll owners might think and want an answer to. Especially those owners who want to stand out from the crowd. 

People are crazy for white ragdoll cats, but having a black Ragdoll Cat might make them stand out from others. 

So what do you think, is there such a ragdoll that has a Black color? 

Short Answer: Yes! Black Ragdoll Cats exist, but they are so rare. and also a Black Ragdoll can’t give birth to another Black Ragdoll.

Black Ragdoll Cats

To Produce a Black Ragdoll you need a normal Ragdoll and a traditionally black cat. Without this, they can’t produce a pure Black Ragdoll Cat.

Technically speaking According to the Cat Fanciers’ Association, Black Ragdolls aren’t defined as a ragdoll, because black color is not the standard color of ragdoll cats.

Under this Standard, the Ragdoll should have a color with the variations below.

Black Ragdoll Cats Colour Variations

Seal point: In this Variation cat should have a pale fawn to Cream warm in tone, and shading towards the stomach and chest. It should be a lighter color, any other color is not part of this Standard Colour Variation.

Blue point: The Body of the cat should be bluish-white, it may have a cold tone, shading towards the stomach and chest, and the points should be deep blue.

Chocolate point: The cat’s body should be ivory, and it has to shade towards the stomach and chest gradually, also the color must be lighter. The point color should be like milk chocolate color.

Lilac point: The Cat’s body should be White, and the points must be frosty gray color and with a pinkish tinge.

Red point: Cat’s Body should be Pure White with the same color for shading and points. Also, the points may be bright apricot to deep red color. With deeper shades preferred.

Cream point: In this Variation, the body should be Pure White same as the red point, also the shading and points may have the same tone. The color of the points should be pale buff cream to light pinkish cream.

These are some Standard Colour Variations of Ragdolls, that’s why black Ragdoll cats are not very common, and the main reason behind this is the selling price.

The breeder wants to sell pure ragdolls for a high price, that’s why they don’t sell black Ragdoll cats. If you want to buy Black ragdoll then you need to request the breeder. 

With this, you can get a unique and rare Black Ragdoll.

What is the difference between a black and white ragdoll cat?

  • The main difference between a black and white ragdolls is their color. 
  • Black Ragdolls have a black coat with no brown or gray undertones. 
  • Their nose and paw pads are also black.
  • Black Ragdoll is born with a dark brown coat that eventually becomes black.
  • Black Ragdolls also behave slightly differently than regular ragdolls. It depends on which type of cat they bred with.
  • If they crossed with a more active or aggressive cat, they may not act like a ragdoll.

But in most cases, that’s not how they behave. They will likely have the same gentle and loveable behavior.

Overall, black ragdoll cats are a rare and unique breed, they will still be a great companion for you.

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How much do black ragdoll cats cost?

The price of a black ragdoll depends on the breeder, and the region matters the most. 

But generally speaking, black ragdoll cats are not that expensive, they are mostly cheaper, compared to the standard ragdolls.

The Cost For A Black Ragdoll Cats might be around $500 to $1000 because they are cross-bred to achieve this rare black color. That’s why they are cheap.

Speaking of which, it’s really hard to tell the exact cost of a black ragdoll cat. The main reason is that they are not that popular, so it’s hard to tell the price.

Also, black ragdolls are uncommon so if you want to Buy them, you may need too much time. 

For Producing Black color Ragdolls, specialized breeding is required the most. This may potentially increase the cost and even make them more expensive than normal ragdoll cats.

The best thing would be to connect to your nearest breeder and ask them personally, they might give you an accurate quote.

Are black ragdoll cats rare?

black ragdoll cats

Yes! black ragdoll cats are rare, they are not part of the pure ragdoll breed. They are cross-bred ragdoll cats, as mentioned above, the main standard colors of ragdolls are seal point, blue point, chocolate point, lilac point, red point, and cream point.

The Black Colour isn’t considered the standard color for ragdoll cats. Also, black ragdoll cats are uncommon, not so many people love to buy these black ragdolls.

And one of the main reasons behind this is, the breeders don’t breed them because they sell the standard ragdolls for a high price, but these black ragdolls are cheap so they ignore them.

That’s why black ragdoll cats are rare, and not that popular among people. 

How do I prove my black ragdoll cat is a ragdoll?

If you buy a black ragdoll cat, then you may be curious to know if it is a real ragdoll or not. The only way to find this is by doing a DNA Test, the test must be conducted by a licensed breeder or veterinarian.

Black Ragdoll cats are produced by cross-bred that’s why it makes it harder to know, whether they are ragdolls or not.

This may potentially expose you to fraudulent breeders, who may claim that the Black cat is a Ragdoll. But they might not be, to avoid such scams or fraud, you can even demand a DNA Test to confirm that it is a ragdoll. 

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Also, you can ask the breeder for the documentation that proves the cat is a ragdoll. 

Some crossbred cats may behave like ragdoll cats, and some ragdoll cross-bred may not behave like ragdolls, so proving that the cat is a ragdoll or not, may become more difficult.

So the Only Solution for how I prove my black ragdoll cat is a ragdoll? Is Doing a DNA Test.


How Much Should You Pay for a Black Ragdoll Kitten?

The cost or price for a Black Ragdoll Cat may depend on various factors, but in general, the price may be between $500-$1000.

What is the lifespan of a black Ragdoll cat?

The lifespan of a black ragdoll cat is around 12 to 15 years.

What Is the Rarest Ragdoll Color?

Cream color is the rarest one, not so many ragdoll cats have the cream color.

Final Thoughts

Black Ragdoll cats are uncommon yet loved by people. For those who want a unique and rare breed of cat, black ragdoll cats may be well suited for them.

Despite their appearance, black ragdoll cats are gentle and loveable cats. They are the same as a standard ragdoll, black color is a unique color to have, so if you want to stand out from the crowd, these black ragdoll cats are best for you.

If you want to buy a black ragdoll cat, be sure to ask many questions to the breeder. and if possible acquire proof that the cat is a ragdoll cat.

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