Do Ragdoll Cats Scratch Furniture? (Ways to Stop them)

If you are looking for a furniture-friendly Cat Breed, and you want to know more about Do Ragdoll Cats Scratch Furniture?

Then you are in the right place. In this article, we are going to explain all about do ragdoll cats destroy furniture.

Every Cat owner wants to own a cat that doesn’t scratch furniture. 

Everyone wants a furniture-friendly cat, so the scratching should be kept to a minimum.

If you want to own such a cat, that doesn’t scratch furniture. Then Ragdoll is the best choice you should make. 

Because ragdolls are the only cat breeds that scratch furniture very little. 

Because their nature is easy-going and they possess very sharp intelligence.

Ragdolls are fast learners, so you can even teach them to comb on scratching posts. 

So that your house won’t shred to pieces!

Let’s dig in, and learn more about do ragdoll kittens scratch furniture.

Do Ragdoll Cats Scratch Furniture

Short answer: Yes! Ragdoll Cats scratch furniture

But ragdolls have an easy-going nature, that’s why you can teach them to not scratch furniture. 

They are much more intelligent than other cat breeds, that’s why when you teach them not to scratch furniture, rather than scratch claws on scratching posts

But if you have so much expensive furniture, you can’t afford to scratch on them. Honestly, You should avoid taking a cat as a pet.

Taking a ragdoll or any cat, you should be ready for such troubles. ragdoll won’t destroy your furniture, they only scratch on corners of the furniture

Damage from ragdoll scratching is so little, if you can afford this much then you can take ragdoll as your pet.

If you want some little destructive cat breed then you should think about British Shorthair Cat Breed. 

Because they are the one cat breeds that don’t scratch so much, if you love your furniture and sofa then British Shorthair is the best cat for you.

Why Do Cats Love To Scratch?

Despite any cat breed, all of them scratch furniture. Some cat breeds scratch a little some scratch so much.

But the question that always stuck in our mind is, Why Do Cats Love To Scratch? So much!

Scratching is a normal behavior element of all cats. They do scratch furniture, carpet, sofas, or even IKEA footstools.

All cats need to scratch their claws, by scratching they express different emotions. 

Such as – excitement, stress, or even when they are angry they start scratching anything. 

With scratching cats mark objects with their scent, and doing scratching they remove the dead part of their nails.

And sometimes they scratch anything just to get a good stretch. 

All cats are the same all of them love to scratch, but you should teach them not to scratch on furniture or anything around. Make it a habit to scratch just on the scratching post.

Read More: Do Ragdoll Cats Shed?

How to Stop Ragdoll from Scratching Furniture

Scratching Furniture is really a big problem for every cat owner. If you own really expensive furniture then you should really make sure that your ragdoll cat won’t scratch them.

Regular scratching may result in destroying the furniture. that’s why you and I as well as everyone want to stop this from happening.

To Stop Ragdoll from Scratching Furniture, there are some ways to do it. You need to try them out and find which one is more suitable for you ragdoll. 

Every ragdoll is different so you must try out all these ways. So that you can stop your ragdoll from scratching furniture.

Ways to Stop Ragdoll from Scratching Furniture

Trim claws (Nails)

Ragdoll claws are sharp, and just a little enough pressure can cause damage to soft furniture such as a sofa made with fabric or leather material.

So the best idea is to trim the trouble-making claws of your ragdoll so that the damage should kept as little as possible.

Experiment with cat toys

If Ragdoll is enjoying scratching At furniture, then you Stop them by experimenting with something unique, such as cat toys or catnip.

These cat toys may become an alternative to furniture, it’s more enjoyable for your ragdoll. You can use different types of toys, and check out which one is more effective. 

Create a feline-repellent spray

The most effective way to stop ragdolls from scratching furniture is to create a deterrent spray. 

Just mix white vinegar and water and also add lemon juice and a sprig of rosemary. mix all this in one bottle, and spray it on the main attack area of your furniture.

The Smell of this mixture is the most hated by cats, but we (humans) can enjoy this smell. 

One thing to be sure is, don’t spray this mixture directly on ragdoll, because this can cause problems for them. 

It will directly affect their noise and eyes so be careful with it!

Remove the pleasurable aspect. 

Scratching is really enjoyable for ragdolls, they don’t just sharp their claws they enjoy the sensation of the scratching.

If we remove the pleasurable aspect, then the ragdoll scratching will become less enjoyable. With it, they won’t scratch your beloved furniture.

To do this, apply double-sided tape or tinfoil to the area where the ragdoll is scratching. You can apply this to every piece of furniture, and stop ragdoll scratching.

Provide scratching posts for your pet.

The best way to stop ragdoll scratching is by using scratching posts. Investing in scratching posts will definitely be profitable, train ragdolls to scratch on scratching posts. 

When ragdolls scratch on scratching posts give them a reward, and praise them. But when they scratch furniture lightly clap and say no! 

But don’t hit or yell at them, this will not solve the problem. just try to make a habit, so that ragdoll may scratch regularly on scratching posts.

You might think Do Ragdoll cats need a scratching post? Yes! They do. As said above, provide them a good scratching post, some of the best scratching posts for Ragdoll cats are listed below. Just check them out, and make your furry friend more happy!

Read More: Are Cats Cleaner Than Dogs?

What is the best scratching post for Ragdoll cats

#1 SmartCat Ultimate Scratching Post

20231102 220920
20231102 221434
Price $49.99
Size Large 32-inch
Color Gray
Material Sisal Fiber

#2 Tuft and Paw Scratching Post

20231102 222100
20231103 004153
Price $249
Size 18″W x 18″D x 36″H
Color Walnut
Material Premium plywood with ash or walnut veneer, woven sisal carpet

#3 Cats Choice 32-inch Solid Wood Scratching Posts

20231103 004114
20231103 064854
Price $139.99 $119.99
Size 20”W x 20”L x 32”H
Color Beige, Brown, Grey, Blue, Green
Material Solid Wood post with Sisal rope


Can you really stop cats from scratching furniture?

Yes! You can, But for this, you need to try out all the ways and use the most effective one.

Can Ragdolls be trained not to scratch furniture?

Yes! they can, but you need to train them properly. don’t force them, to do it. (Reward them when they follow the instructions)

Do Ragdolls scratch furniture for attention?

Yes! Ragdoll scratch to express their emotions, if you don’t give much attention they can scratch furniture for attention.


In today’s article, I have shared a complete guide for do ragdoll cats scratch furniture.

I have shared ways to stop ragdoll from scratching furniture, the most effective ways are also listed in this guide.

I hope every ragdoll owner will benefit from this article, and will be able to stop ragdoll from scratching furniture.

Feel free to share your feedback. If you have any issues or any kind of questions, you can comment below. Thank you.

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