Should Ragdoll Cats be in Pairs? Pros and Cons

If you are planning on getting a ragdoll cat, but you are wondering Should Ragdoll Cats be in Pairs?

In this article I am going to explain the pros and cons of owning two ragdoll cats

So that you can decide, should you buy two Ragdoll cats or one.

Is it better to have one or two ragdoll cats?

If you can afford, It is best choice to have two ragdoll cats. because they can enjoy with each other, and be less bored.

The plus point of having two ragdoll cats is, if you are going somewhere else, they can be left alone, because they won’t be that lonely or bored.

However if your budget don’t allow to own two ragdoll cats, it’s OK don’t buy two ragdoll cats. 

Let’s see what are the Pros and Cons of Owning Two Ragdoll Cats:

Pros of owning two ragdoll cats

1. They each have a friend to keep them company

This is the most beneficial accept of owning two ragdoll cats. the most bad things about ragdolls is that you can’t left them alone for so long. 

But if you have two, then you can left them alone for more then avarage time frame. Because they can play and enjoy with each other.

2. They’ll have more energy

Alone ragdoll cat always spend all his time sleeping and resting. but if they are in pairs they will spend much of their time playing games indoor and outdoor.

3. They’re less likely to act out

When ragdoll left alone at home, they become more lonely, and because of that, just for your attention; they do something destructive, such as ragdoll cat scratching furniture and doing naughty things.

But when they are in pairs they don’t become lonely, because they can play with each other. doing this they won’t be destructive as they were before.

4. You’ll have double the fun

Ragdoll cats are such cute and friendly cat breeds, ragdoll always follow their owner. That’s why if you own two ragdoll cats, you will be followed by two cute little kitties. 

Cons of owning two ragdoll cats

1. It costs more to buy them

Ragdolls are expensive to care, that’s why if you own two ragdoll cats than your cost will be double for sure.

Just buying one ragdoll cost around $800-$2000 if you buy two then the cost will be double it wi be around $1600-$4000.

2. It costs more to keep them

Ragdoll cats are high maintenance that’s why keeping them as a pet is so more costly. Owning or keeping Only one ragdoll is expensive so keeping two ragdoll is much more expensive.

3. They take up more of your time

Ragdoll cats need so much time and attention for there care such as feeding or taking them to the vet, playing with them is also consumes so much time.

If you do 9-5 job then it will be a hard time for you, taking care of only one ragdoll is so much time consuming, that’s why keeping two ragdoll cats might take up more of your time.

4. They take up more room

Ragdoll need to much space, they always play around to much that’s why they take up more room.

If your apartment is tiny then it will be so much trouble some task for you, that’s why Keeping a pair of ragdoll will become almost impossible.

5. It’s harder to go on holidays

One of the biggest cons of owning two ragdoll cats is, you can’t go on holidays for so long.

If you are going on holidays, you can’t take your ragdoll pairs with you, because ragdoll cats hate travelling.

Imagine how difficult it is to find someone, who can take care of your ragdoll in your absence. because just caring one ragdoll is to much for them, how can they take care your ragdoll pairs.

That’s why if you own two ragdoll cats, you might find difficult to go on holidays.

Is it OK to have just one ragdoll cat

Yes! It’s OK you can have just one ragdoll cat, you don’t need to buy two ragdoll cats.

Ragdoll cats are perfect to live on their own. they don’t need any companion, but if you can get one, then you should bring them a companion.


Are ragdoll cats better in pairs?

Yes, they are typically happy in pairs.

Do ragdoll cats need a companion?

Yes, it’s recommended to have a second ragdoll for their company. (But It’s not compulsory)

Should you buy two ragdolls at once?

Yes, if you are planning on owning two ragdolls, than you should buy both of them at once.

Does my second cat need to be a ragdoll?

No, it doesn’t have to be ragdoll, but of course there company will be great.


I hope with this article you might find your answer for Should Ragdoll Cats be in Pairs? Or not. 

We have already explained all the Pros and Cons of owning two ragdoll cats

Hopefully with this article, you can decide which one will be great option for you. Solo Ragdoll or Ragdoll Pairs?

I will Highly Suggest that, if you can own two ragdoll cats, than you should think if owning two. And if you can’t, than it’s OK just own single Solo Ragdoll Cat.

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